Sunday, June 3, 2007

Side effects of Global Warming

There are a lot of side effects. Like, rising sea level, and changes in agricultural yields, but the main side effect is an increasing global average temperature. Some American scientists made a research and found that the Earth's global average air temperature rose by 0.56-0.92 C degrees during the last 100 years. However, some scientific members argue whether there will be positive effects from global warming, but most agree that any positive effects will be greatly outnumbered by the number of negative effects.As Earth's temperature continues to rise, there will be an increasing effect to natural systems and people, especially those who live in Earth's poorer nations. In 2002, Colorado, Arizona, and Oregon endured their worst wildfire season ever. Also in 2002, drought created severe dust storms that caused hundreds of millions of dollars of damage in Texas, Montana, and North Dakota.As you can see, effects of global warming are very negative on our planet already, from increased air temperatures to rises in the sea level to more severe storms. Currently, it is a challenge to predict how many effects global warming will have and how strong those effects will be, but most of the scientific community is predicting that global warming will have more negative effects on our planet and way of life the longer and more severe climate change becomes.

1 comment:

DemonicViller said...

great post my friend

we have to do something about it..
so in order to do that we have to keep remembering two words (Baby steps)!